
Elizabeth’s lovely persona and “spot on” clairvoyant images provide wonderful clarity and offer positive and compassionate energetic guidance through life challenges. You will be so grateful to have participated in her healing sessions.
Dina B.

Elizabeth is tremendously gifted, both in her capacity to access invisible realms and in her ability to translate insights into relevant and useful information. I deeply appreciate her clarity, compassion, wisdom, humor, and metaphoric agility. I have benefitted from working with her and regularly utilize tools and practices she’s shared with me. Potent images from our sessions have stayed with me, as their resonance was apparent, and the guidance continues to unfold. I have the utmost respect for Elizabeth and highly recommend her sessions and courses.
Carmen S.

From the instant we started, working with Elizabeth was/is like working with an old friend who’s known me my whole life. Yet it is also like working with an angelic guardian who’s known me for several lifetimes and is seeking the highest, best good for me and everyone involved with me. She’s incredibly attentive and tuned in, just like those giant deep-space radar dishes in the Mojave.
John G.

My experience of a session with Elizabeth was full of surprises of the best kind. I gained new perspectives on my particular issue and on my whole life. I felt a full-body sense of appreciation for my gifts (some known already, some newly revealed).
And I relaxed into trusting Elizabeth’s direct seeing and clear reporting on what was going on in me energetically. Finally, I found her clearings were both powerful and easeful. I’m still benefiting from this session, weeks later.
Michael D.

I just had a session with Elizabeth and was surprised with how in-tune she was with recognizing patterns and themes that have been emerging in my life, without hardly any up-front information. A specific item she touched on was feeling these waves and a very regimented rhythm coming from me – which two other healers have touched on in the last few months. This session really helped me breakthrough and understand the patterns, and what I can do to move forward. I found relief in acknowledgment of a path moving forward. The healing brought tears to my eyes. I loved this session and will be back for more!
Jen P.
Entrepreneur, Small Business Owner

Elizabeth is a true example of spiritual integrity at its finest. With deep sincerity she delivers messages of profound insight that are rooted in love, graced with purity, and topped with a touch of sweetness. You owe it to yourself to experience the warm-hearted magic that she brings!
Beth K.

I had the pleasure of having a session with Elizabeth a few months back when her insights lifted me up and brought me into my field of dreams. She quickly zeroed in on some of my feelings and helped me beam with hope. She is easy to work with and deeply insightful. Work with Elizabeth and blossom.
Gail C.

I strongly believe that the best teachers have walked the path themselves. I have had the opportunity to witness Elizabeth’s own transformation up close and am continuously wowed at her devotion and what she creates. I often ask myself “what would Elizabeth do?” as I am making choices along my own path. If you are reading this, perhaps you are considering the opportunity of walking with Elizabeth along your path. I say go for it. You won’t have any regrets.
Carey D.,
Artist and Architect

Elizabeth’s clarity penetrated my stuck energy and supported an unwinding of one of my deep resistance patterns. I felt immediate heat release as she unpacked the energy and cleared my heart chakra. Thank you, Elizabeth.
Megan C.

Elizabeth has crafted a course that is an extraordinary blend of deep dive and full-on playfulness. There was no pressure to do the activities a certain way (which is SO refreshing!). This was great modeling for opening up to new ways of being in a relationship, with an emphasis on making it up as you go, playfulness, and accepting that it is impossible to do it wrong. She weaved her own relevant relationship experiences into the course content and weekly discussions with such ease and without self-judgment, and in doing so, I was able to see myself through that same no-judgment lens. I found the pacing of the course to be perfect, and especially love that I can go back to the content that I missed (or want to revisit) with an open and welcome door.
Elizabeth shares profoundly meaningful content in simple, intentional, gentle, playful ways, and I’m grateful to have participated!
Nancy S.

“Live the life that you imagine”…is the engraving on a charm that hangs on my mirror. Having gotten divorced three years ago, I have been focused on THAT journey. For me, the critical missing piece was SELF-love. Being somewhat aware of my negative self-talk, I had however deluded myself into thinking I could somehow hold that at bay or wall them off and still continue to grow.
Time after time…usually when emotions both negative and positive were running high, those thoughts of limiting beliefs would come rushing in and fill me with self-doubt. No longer…through this journey during Manifesting Love, I now find myself more at ease, present, and empowered.
With Elizabeth’s guidance and the supportive participants, I not only expanded my awareness of my limiting beliefs, but I was also able to learn and assimilate specific tools to be able to release those old beliefs and replace them with ones of fulfillment to bring me closer to the life I imagine.
I am grateful to Elizabeth and everyone in our group for helping me navigate my way through this exploration and discovery! I can’t begin to explain what it feels like to seize this new chapter in my life…excited, complete, powerful, and most importantly truly loving MYSELF!!!
Susan P.

Your course was more like play, it was fun! Inquiring into old patterns, beliefs, and stories I have lived with for years, and letting go of what doesn’t serve me… Coloring and movement expanding in creativity… Seeing where I hesitate or what stops me from expressing myself freely… Taking the opportunity to recreate and co-create a relationship with Love that serves me by loving myself Whole Heartedly, this means all of me… Seeing the possibility and now experiencing healthy, loving relationships that are full of love, laughter, and acceptance…
Thank you, Elizabeth for inviting us all to experience this through self-expression and co-creation. Life is a dance and it doesn’t have to be hard. With ease, I now feel worthy of love and capable to invite others to play and explore the bounty of our hearts and souls.
Nancy H.

Elizabeth radiates joy and ease – it’s quite contagious. Her capacity for creating and holding solid, grounded space makes it possible for deep, meaningful insight and transformation to occur, all while having fun and not taking yourself too seriously.
Eric K.

One of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my life was taking on Elizabeth as a mentor, teacher, guide, and sister. As my working relationship with her has matured it has been such a precious gift to myself to really receive her hard-won wisdom, loving guidance, and beautiful inspiration.
Her courageous and truly committed exploration into the inner landscape has laid down a light trail for me to follow. Her teachings and resources have brought incredible transformation and goodness into my life in a way that was so much easier and more accelerated than I expected.
There are a refinement and simplicity to her core tools and teachings that are the culmination of much hard work. She introduced me to simple easy tools and resources to release unhelpful energies and patterns and welcome in the new helpful energies and patterns. Thank you, Elizabeth for doing that hard work to make it easy for us.
Jenny-Viva C., M.D.

Elizabeth shares the art of self-exploration by weaving PLAY into every step of your process. She leads with her innate gift of heart-based inquisitiveness, sparking you to effortlessly uncover the depth of who you are really, who you wish to become. Elizabeth has been a priceless and wise resource along my path. Run, don’t walk, to her next workshop!
Doug S.

The tools that were presented can be used for other areas of your life. The quantity and quality of content were a great value. I’ve been interested in other programs but the price (10x/more, without knowing the quality) always held me back from making the changes I wanted. This program is accessible to more people who want to make changes.
I would also add that I was attracted to your program because of your personal story. In addition, I appreciated your openness to share those stories during our lessons and calls. I didn’t feel like I was being talked down to.
Karina H.

Elizabeth’s course was a powerful exploration and inspiration to create awareness of areas where ‘lack’ was driving frustrations in my relationship with my beloved. Her experience-based learning helped strengthen a deeper experience of wholeness in myself that radiates out into my relationship. Elizabeth’s stories, helpful guidance, and fun exercises offered a practical and inspired way to gently and compassionately take responsibility for some blind spots and offered a healing framework that has been powerful and impactful in my relationship with myself and my love life.
I experience more peace, more creative solutions in our partnership, and a greater appreciation and respect for myself and my partner and our individual needs, desires, and preferences.
Sandra V.

Working with Elizabeth, I found a steady container within which to look more deeply into my thoughts and patterns in relationships – both at those I was pursuing and those within myself. I found her infusion of creativity and play in the workshops to be so refreshing. Her welcoming presence also helped support me in the discomfort that can oftentimes arrive when we move into self-inquiry.
I would highly recommend her courses and leadership for those who are willing to learn more about themselves. It is evident that she is walking her talk and brings with her a depth of experience to her offerings. Happy trails to those who choose to jump in and well done in having chosen to walk alongside Elizabeth!
Saunders M.

I know intellectually that I am complete, that there is nothing outside myself that I need. But knowing it in my body is a different story.
The creative exercises Elizabeth gently and playfully offered showed me aspects of myself that made me EXPERIENCE that wholeness. I felt unexpectedly happier, with more appreciation of me:)
Lisa F.

What an opportunity to spend one month focusing on love! This course breaks things down into bite-size experiences that add together into a whole. The process assists participants in identifying unconscious and semi-conscious attitudes osmosed from earlier experiences that create the currently running love story programming.
And, then offers manageable tools that dismantle the dysfunctional parts of that story while learning how to weave in – through fun explorations and activities – new consciously chosen ways of being with yourself and your attitudes and beliefs about love with other.
Leslie C.

Elizabeth is one of the most sincere, authentic, and caring people I know. She gently and playfully helps you explore your patterns in relationships in a way that helps you identify exactly what has kept you from being able to sustain a healthy and loving partnership. Through various exercises in meditation, play, dance, and deep soul searching, she creates a very safe environment to share, laugh, cry and let go of anything keeping you from the love that’s already there just waiting for you.
Shannon G.

Elizabeth’s sessions consistently bring me a sense of peace and clarity, offering deep insights that resonate long after the reading is over. Her approach is gentle yet incredibly effective, allowing me to explore my thoughts and emotions in a safe and supportive space. She has a unique ability to guide me toward a deeper understanding of my life’s path while also helping to shift my energy in a way that feels both natural and empowering. Each session with her leaves me feeling more aligned, uplifted, and equipped to move forward with confidence and clarity.
Yelena J.

An approachable way to shift your beliefs and relationship to love. Serious a-has in a short amount of time with a supportive facilitator who makes it safe to be vulnerable. Deal of a lifetime for the value it is bringing to my life.
Karen B.